Below are the Pre-1976 Observed Trials Championship Rules.



1.1 The Historic Motorcycle Club will organise a 6 round vintage motorcycle trials championship which will be known as the HMC pre76 Observed Trials Championship.

1.2 All standing HMC regulations, statutory or otherwise will apply, as well as all other listed hereunder.

1.3 Motorcycles eligible to participate in all club activities are those manufactured prior to the first day of January 1976 excluding all choppers and hybrids. The committee may at it’s own discretion allow hybrids if it is satisfied that they are built within the spirit of the club. (Statute amendment of the 16.01.92).

1.4 Where applicable all main parts (ie frame, engine, gearbox and forks) used on trials motorcycles, built specifically for use in the HMC Trials Championship shall be derived from pre 76 HMC statute recognised models, no others will be allowed.

1.5 No trials motorcycle, unless in total conformity with the club statute, will be allowed to take part on club runs or any other club organised activity, including the annual show.

1.6 If a competitor decides to change the motorcycle he has entered the championship with at any point during its course, he will forfeit his position in the championship up to that point, incur any penalty points as per rule ( ) below, when the change occurs and will have to start his sheet afresh.


2.1 Certain trial motorcycle hybrids will be allowed to participate in the HMC pre76 Observed Trials Championship if these conform to the rules and regulations listed hereunder and are approved by the official machine scrutineer at the start of every round of the championship.

2.2 The engine and frame of participating motorcycles must be derived from a pre76 and HMC statute recognised model (eg. Tiger Cub engine in Tiger Cub frame or Tiger Cub engine in BSA C15 frame).

2.3 No post 1975 front fork will be allowed but competitors can if they so wish install telescopic forks from other statute approved models of the same country of origin to their particular machine (ie. British forks to British bikes, Italian forks to Italian bikes etc.).

2.4 Since a girder fork class is being included in the championship, it would be preferred that existing and complete girder forked machines are not converted to telescopic suspension. If however such a conversion does take place, such motorcycles will be required to compete in the next higher category (eg. A girder forked Matchless G3 converted to teledraulics or other will compete in the rigid and not in the girder fork class).

2.5 It will be permissible for girder forks of one recognised model to be swapped with those of an other without incurring any penalty (lightweight 250cc Matchless girders instead of the heavier G3 originals).

2.6 All plunger-framed motorcycles will be classed as rigid for the scope of this trials championship.


3.1 No modifications to the mainframe diamond will be allowed.

3.2 Sub-frames on the other hand can be modified or exchanged (eg BSA C15 main frame with Tiger Cub sub-frame).


4.1 Any HMC statute approved hub or rim is permissible. Post ‘75 hubs of whatever origin can be used but such an action will incur one (1) additional penalty point per non-conforming hub used to the user’s score total.


5.1 No post 75 Japanese carburettors will be allowed.

5.2 Up grades up to Amal Concentric Mk1 or approved equivalent are permissible.


6.1 No restriction shall be placed on the following items:
Fuel Tanks, Mud Guards, Seats, Handle Bars, Levers, Control Cables, Foot Pegs, Exhaust Pipes, Silencers, Sprockets, Chain Tensioners, Head & Rear Lights, Rubber Fork Gaiters, Rear Shocks.


7.1 No single-shock machine (mono-shock) may compete, except for Vincent HRD.


8.1 Silencers will be required at all times. No machine may compete with an open exhaust system.


9.1 To be eligible for the pre-76 HMC Observed Trials Championship all major bike components must have been manufactured before the beginning of 1976 and consonant with HMC statute requirements. All modifications must be consistent with the spirit of the club, game and the particular class entered. Period modifications have been extensively documented and machines with obvious non-period or unsporting slants can and will be disqualified, or else allowed to compete in the next-higher-level class, or under handicap.

9.2 All competing motorcycles must be street legal and all competitors must hold a valid motorcycle licence. The organisers depending on the nature of the particular event may contemplate exceptions to this rule.

9.3 Helmets must be worn at all times when riding in the event.

9.4 Each round of the trial will be composed of sections, the number of which will be decided on the day.

9.5 It is the responsibility of the rider to ensure his/her scorecard is properly marked and turned in on time.


10.1 Scoring on the trial will follow the” points lost” system as outlined hereunder:
0 points = No errors “clean” section.
1 point = Footing once in a section.
2 points = Footing twice in a section.
3 points = Footing more than twice in a section.
5 points = Stopping in a section.
10 points = Not attempting a section.

11.0 TIES

11.1 In case of a tie the rider with the most “ consecutive cleans” will be declared the winner.


12.1 The words or phrases listed hereunder shall have for the purposes of these rules and regulations the following meaning.
Clean = No errors in a section.
Footing/dab = Any intentional or otherwise, contact between the rider’s foot or other part of the body and a supporting surface or object.
Footing more than two dabs = Dragging a foot or paddling with both feet in a section.
Failure (5 point penalty) = (a) Riders may ride where they wish where boundaries are not marked but may not cross their own tracks unless required or permitted.
(b) Stopping - a complete loss of forward motion, intentional or otherwise.
(c) Displacement of markers - any disturbance of course markers or cutting of tapes.
(d) Dismounting - putting both feet on the same side of the motorcycle.
Refusal to ride (10 point penalty) = Refusal to cross the section entry markers with the front wheel axle.

12.2 A motorcycle enters a section when the front axle crosses through the first markers and leaves the section when the front axle crosses the last markers.

12.3 To be considered a finisher, a rider must have attempted at least 50% of the sections set on a particular trial and will be given 10 penalty points for every section missed.


13.1 The following classes and categories will be considered:



14.1 Easy and hard routes will be considered depending on member subscription.

14.2 The number of laps of the sections set will be decided on the day.

14.3 Riders other than class B can ride the easy route if this is available, on a non-award basis.

As approved by 1997 AGM.

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